Download your free demo version of Logbook Suite and test Logbook and the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns).
The test version of Logbook includes all functions of the full version, but is limited to 5 travel days and 2 trips. The test versions of all Add-ons are limited to 9 entries.
If we have convinced you with Logbook or one of our Add-ons, you can purchase the licenses in our online shop and convert your demo version into an unlimited full version.
The licenses for Logbook are valid for the PC, for the iPad or for both device types. A subsequent upgrade to a second device type is possible.
The Add-ons can be used with only one license both on the PC and the iPad (BoardCash additionally on the iPhone).
You can download the iPad version of Logbook Suite directly from the Apple App Store. The app Logbook Suite contains Logbook as well as all the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Provisions, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns).
Download from the
Apple App Store
Download from the
Apple App Store
Download from the
Apple App Store
Download stand-alone version for iPhone from the Apple App Store
Download from the
Apple App Store
Download stand-alone version for iPhone and iPad from the Apple App Store
The software Logbook Suite contains Logbook as well a all the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Provisions, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns). You need to fill out a form to get the download link. If you have already purchased a Logbook license for the selected operating system, you can also download the new version directly from your shop account without having to fill out our form:
Please note that if you reinstall Logbook Suite, the data files of Logbook and the Add-ons stored in the Logbook Suite data folder will not be replaced. So a new installation of the same version of Logbook Suite will not cause any changes. However, if a newer version of Logbook Suite is installed over an existing one, the data files are automatically updated to the new version.
You need to fill out a form to get the download link
You need to fill out a form to get the download link
Important information for the download of the user manual to the iPad directly from Logbook Suite or from Logbook Suite PhoneTools to the iPhone:
General information about the Logbook Suite
A brief guide into using Logbook with automatic logbook entries
Load your free Demo Version for Mac or Windows
Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store
Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store
Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store
Load our app for the NMEA connection of Logbook and Logbook Lite from the Apple App Store (free of charge)
Download our detailed manuals to Logbook Suite, Logbook, Logbook Lite and the Add-ons