Soft­ware, Demo Ver­si­ons and Manuals


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Software, Demo Versions and User Manuals

Down­load your free demo ver­sion of Logbook Suite and test Logbook and the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns).
The test ver­sion of Logbook  includes all func­tions of the full ver­sion, but is limi­ted to 5 travel days and 2 trips. The test ver­si­ons of all Add-ons are limi­ted to 9 entries.

If we have con­vin­ced you with Logbook or one of our Add-ons, you can purchase the licen­ses in our online shop and con­vert your demo ver­sion into an unli­mi­ted full version.

The licen­ses for Logbook are valid for the PC, for the iPad or for both device types. A sub­se­quent upgrade to a second device type is pos­si­ble.
The Add-ons can be used with only one license both on the PC and the iPad (BoardCash addi­tio­nally on the iPhone).

Download Logbook Suite for iPad

You can down­load the iPad ver­sion of Logbook Suite directly from the Apple App Store. The app Logbook Suite con­ta­ins Logbook as well as all the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Pro­vi­si­ons, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns).

Logbook Suite for iPad

Down­load from the
Apple App Store

Logbook Suite PhoneTool
for iPhone

Down­load from the
Apple App Store

Provisions Shoppinglist for iPhone

Down­load from the
Apple App Store

Logbook Lite

Down­load stand-alone ver­sion for iPhone from the Apple App Store

LogbookNMEA connect

Down­load from the
Apple App Store


Down­load stand-alone ver­sion for iPhone and iPad from the Apple App Store

Download Logbook Suite for PC

The soft­ware Logbook Suite  con­ta­ins Logbook as well a all the Add-ons (Biography, BoardCash, Budget, Crew, Inventory, First-Aid Kit, Maintenance, Pro­vi­si­ons, Scheduler and WorldEnsigns). You need to fill out a form to get the down­load link. If you have alre­ady purcha­sed a Logbook license for the sel­ec­ted ope­ra­ting system, you can also down­load the new ver­sion directly from your shop account wit­hout having to fill out our form:

Please note that if you reinstall Logbook Suite, the data files of Logbook and the Add-ons stored in the Logbook Suite data folder will not be replaced. So a new installation of the same version of Logbook Suite will not cause any changes. However, if a newer version of Logbook Suite is installed over an existing one, the data files are automatically updated to the new version.

Logbook Suite for MacOS

You need to fill out a form to get the down­load link

Logbook Suite for Windows

You need to fill out a form to get the down­load link

User Manuals

Important infor­ma­tion for the down­load of the user manual to the iPad directly from Logbook Suite or from Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools to the iPhone:

  1. Before sel­ec­ting the desi­red user manual tap on Open in Safari on the bottom left of the window.
  2. Now select the user manual by tap­ping on the icon in Safari. This opens a new brow­ser window which shows the user manual.
  3. To save the user manual on the iPad, tap on the manual and then tap on Open in… in the top left. Now select the appli­ca­tion you want to use for rea­ding the user manual in the popo­ver and wait until the manual is com­ple­tely loaded onto your iPad.

User Manual
Logbook Suite Basics

Gene­ral infor­ma­tion about the Logbook Suite

Logbook Suite Logbook

Logbook Suite Quick start “Logbook with Auto-NMEA”

A brief guide into using Logbook with auto­ma­tic logbook entries

Topics on this page 

Logbook Suite for PC

Load your free Demo Version for Mac or Windows

Logbook Suite for iPad

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

Logbook Suite PhoneTool
for iPhone

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

Logbook Lite
for iPhone

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

LogbookNMEA connect

Load our app for the NMEA connection of Logbook and Logbook Lite from the Apple App Store (free of charge)

User Manuals

Download our detailed manuals to Logbook Suite, Logbook, Logbook Lite and the Add-ons

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