Shop­ping list, recipes and daily planning
*** New Add-on – now available ***


Shopping list, recipes and daily planning

The Logbook Suite Add-on Pro­vi­si­ons sup­ports you with pro­vi­si­ons, whe­ther for a short weekend trip or a long ocean crossing.
A well-plan­ned trip saves time and nerves. Good plan­ning also pre­vents you from for­get­ting important things.
In Pro­vi­si­ons, you can select the food you want from a list of goods for all meals plan­ned for each day of your trip. The requi­red quan­tity is deter­mi­ned on the basis of the crew list and dis­played in the daily plan­ning.
Alter­na­tively, select from your on-board recipes and meal sets ente­red in Pro­vi­si­ons and have Pro­vi­si­ons add the ingre­di­ents in the requi­red quan­ti­ties to the daily planning.


iPhone app Provisions Shoppinglist

Before you go shop­ping, create your shop­ping list in Pro­vi­si­ons.
For con­ve­ni­ent use while shop­ping, the shop­ping list crea­ted with Pro­vi­si­ons can also be loaded into the sepa­rate iPhone app Pro­vi­si­ons Shop­ping­list, which is available free of charge from the Apple App Store.
The use of the 2K Yacht­ing server for data exch­ange bet­ween Logbook Suite Pro­vi­si­ons and Pro­vi­si­ons Shop­ping­list is also free of charge.

Pro­vi­si­ons is an Add-on to Logbook Suite and runs in Logbook Suite on the PC (macOS and Win­dows) and on the iPad.

The app Pro­vi­si­ons Shop­ping­list app is opti­mi­zed for use on the iPhone.

In the demo mode of Pro­vi­si­ons you can create one voyage with 3 days. Ente­ring a serial number con­verts your trial ver­sion of Pro­vi­si­ons into an unli­mi­ted full ver­sion that can be used on all device types.

Provisions Shoppinglist for iPhone

load from the Apple App Store

Logbook Suite for PC

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Logbook Suite for iPad

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Logbook Suite PhoneTool
for iPhone

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Logbook Lite
for iPhone

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LogbookNMEA connect

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