Privacy Policy

Per­so­nal data (usually refer­red to just as “data” below) will only be pro­ces­sed by us to the extent neces­sary and for the pur­pose of pro­vi­ding a func­tional and user-fri­endly web­site, inclu­ding its con­tents, and the ser­vices offe­red there.

Per Art. 4 No. 1 of Regu­la­tion (EU) 2016/679, i.e. the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as the “GDPR”), “pro­ces­sing” refers to any ope­ra­tion or set of ope­ra­ti­ons such as coll­ec­tion, recor­ding, orga­niza­tion, struc­tu­ring, sto­rage, adapt­a­tion, altera­tion, retrie­val, con­sul­ta­tion, use, dis­clo­sure by trans­mis­sion, dis­se­mi­na­tion, or other­wise making available, ali­gnment, or com­bi­na­tion, rest­ric­tion, era­sure, or des­truc­tion per­for­med on per­so­nal data, whe­ther by auto­ma­ted means or not.

The fol­lo­wing pri­vacy policy is inten­ded to inform you in par­ti­cu­lar about the type, scope, pur­pose, dura­tion, and legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of such data either under our own con­trol or in con­junc­tion with others. We also inform you below about the third-party com­pon­ents we use to opti­mize our web­site and improve the user expe­ri­ence which may result in said third par­ties also pro­ces­sing data they coll­ect and control.

Our pri­vacy policy is struc­tu­red as follows:

I. Infor­ma­tion about us as con­trol­lers of your data
II. The rights of users and data subjects
III. Infor­ma­tion about the data processing

I. Information about us as controllers of your data

The party respon­si­ble for this web­site (the “con­trol­ler”) for pur­po­ses of data pro­tec­tion law is:

Helmut Kraus, Almute Kraus
Hohen­zol­lern­al­lee 37
40235 Düsseldorf

II. The rights of users and data subjects

With regard to the data pro­ces­sing to be descri­bed in more detail below, users and data sub­jects have the right to con­fir­ma­tion of whe­ther data con­cer­ning them is being pro­ces­sed, infor­ma­tion about the data being pro­ces­sed, fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the nature of the data pro­ces­sing, and copies of the data (cf. also Art. 15 GDPR);
to cor­rect or com­plete incor­rect or incom­plete data (cf. also Art. 16 GDPR); to the imme­diate dele­tion of data con­cer­ning them (cf. also Art. 17 DSGVO), or, alter­na­tively, if fur­ther pro­ces­sing is neces­sary as sti­pu­la­ted in Art. 17 Para. 3 GDPR, to rest­rict said pro­ces­sing per Art. 18 GDPR;
to receive copies of the data con­cer­ning them and/or pro­vi­ded by them and to have the same trans­mit­ted to other providers/controllers (cf. also Art. 20 GDPR);
to file com­plaints with the super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity if they believe that data con­cer­ning them is being pro­ces­sed by the con­trol­ler in breach of data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons (see also Art. 77 GDPR).

In addi­tion, the con­trol­ler is obli­ged to inform all reci­pi­ents to whom it dis­c­lo­ses data of any such cor­rec­tions, dele­ti­ons, or rest­ric­tions placed on pro­ces­sing the same per Art. 16, 17 Para. 1, 18 GDPR. Howe­ver, this obli­ga­tion does not apply if such noti­fi­ca­tion is impos­si­ble or invol­ves a dis­pro­por­tio­nate effort. Nevert­hel­ess, users have a right to infor­ma­tion about these recipients.

Like­wise, under Art. 21 GDPR, users and data sub­jects have the right to object to the con­trol­ler’s future pro­ces­sing of their data pur­su­ant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. In par­ti­cu­lar, an objec­tion to data pro­ces­sing for the pur­pose of direct adver­ti­sing is permissible.

III. Information about the data processing

Your data pro­ces­sed when using our web­site will be dele­ted or blo­cked as soon as the pur­pose for its sto­rage ceases to apply, pro­vi­ded the dele­tion of the same is not in breach of any sta­tu­tory sto­rage obli­ga­ti­ons or unless other­wise sti­pu­la­ted below.

a) Ses­sion cookies

We use coo­kies on our web­site. Coo­kies are small text files or other sto­rage tech­no­lo­gies stored on your com­pu­ter by your brow­ser. These coo­kies pro­cess cer­tain spe­ci­fic infor­ma­tion about you, such as your brow­ser, loca­tion data, or IP address.

This pro­ces­sing makes our web­site more user-fri­endly, effi­ci­ent, and secure, allo­wing us, for exam­ple, to dis­play our web­site in dif­fe­rent lan­guages or to offer a shop­ping cart function.

The legal basis for such pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR, inso­far as these coo­kies are used to coll­ect data to initiate or pro­cess con­trac­tual relationships.

If the pro­ces­sing does not serve to initiate or pro­cess a con­tract, our legi­ti­mate inte­rest lies in impro­ving the func­tion­a­lity of our web­site. The legal basis is then Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

When you close your brow­ser, these ses­sion coo­kies are deleted.
b) Third-party cookies

If neces­sary, our web­site may also use coo­kies from com­pa­nies with whom we coope­rate for the pur­pose of adver­ti­sing, ana­ly­zing, or impro­ving the fea­tures of our website.

Please refer to the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­tion for details, in par­ti­cu­lar for the legal basis and pur­pose of such third-party coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing of data coll­ec­ted through cookies.
c) Dis­ab­ling cookies

You can refuse the use of coo­kies by chan­ging the set­tings on your brow­ser. Like­wise, you can use the brow­ser to delete coo­kies that have alre­ady been stored. Howe­ver, the steps and mea­su­res requi­red vary, depen­ding on the brow­ser you use. If you have any ques­ti­ons, please use the help func­tion or con­sult the docu­men­ta­tion for your brow­ser or cont­act its maker for sup­port. Brow­ser set­tings cannot pre­vent so-called flash coo­kies from being set. Ins­tead, you will need to change the set­ting of your Flash player. The steps and mea­su­res requi­red for this also depend on the Flash player you are using. If you have any ques­ti­ons, please use the help func­tion or con­sult the docu­men­ta­tion for your Flash player or cont­act its maker for support.

If you pre­vent or rest­rict the instal­la­tion of coo­kies, not all of the func­tions on our site may be fully usable.

Order pro­ces­sing

The data you submit when orde­ring goods and/or ser­vices from us will have to be pro­ces­sed in order to ful­fill your order. Please note that orders cannot be pro­ces­sed wit­hout pro­vi­ding this data.

The legal basis for this pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

After your order has been com­ple­ted, your per­so­nal data will be dele­ted, but only after the reten­tion peri­ods requi­red by tax and com­mer­cial law.

In order to pro­cess your order, we will share your data with the ship­ping com­pany respon­si­ble for deli­very to the extent requi­red to deli­ver your order and/or with the pay­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der to the extent requi­red to pro­cess your payment.
The legal basis for the trans­fer of this data is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

Cus­to­mer account/registration

If you create a cus­to­mer account with us via our web­site, we will use the data you ente­red during regis­tra­tion (e.g. your name, your address, or your email address) exclu­si­vely for ser­vices lea­ding up to your poten­tial pla­ce­ment of an order or ente­ring some other con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship with us, to ful­fill such orders or con­tracts, and to pro­vide cus­to­mer care (e.g. to pro­vide you with an over­view of your pre­vious orders or to be able to offer you a wish­list func­tion). We also store your IP address and the date and time of your regis­tra­tion. This data will not be trans­fer­red to third parties.

During the regis­tra­tion pro­cess, your con­sent will be obtai­ned for this pro­ces­sing of your data, with refe­rence made to this pri­vacy policy. The data coll­ec­ted by us will be used exclu­si­vely to pro­vide your cus­to­mer account.

If you give your con­sent to this pro­ces­sing, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis for this processing.

If the ope­ning of the cus­to­mer account is also inten­ded to lead to the initia­tion of a con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship with us or to ful­fill an exis­ting con­tract with us, the legal basis for this pro­ces­sing is also Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

You may revoke your prior con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data at any time under Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR with future effect. All you have to do is inform us that you are revo­king your consent.

The data pre­viously coll­ec­ted will then be dele­ted as soon as pro­ces­sing is no longer neces­sary. Howe­ver, we must observe any reten­tion peri­ods requi­red under tax and com­mer­cial law.


If you regis­ter for our free news­let­ter, the data reques­ted from you for this pur­pose, i.e. your email address and, optio­nally, your name and address, will be sent to us. We also store the IP address of your com­pu­ter and the date and time of your regis­tra­tion. During the regis­tra­tion pro­cess, we will obtain your con­sent to receive this news­let­ter and the type of con­tent it will offer, with refe­rence made to this pri­vacy policy. The data coll­ec­ted will be used exclu­si­vely to send the news­let­ter and will not be passed on to third parties.

The legal basis for this is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

You may revoke your prior con­sent to receive this news­let­ter under Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR with future effect. All you have to do is inform us that you are revo­king your con­sent or click on the unsub­scribe link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.


If you cont­act us via email or the cont­act form, the data you pro­vide will be used for the pur­pose of pro­ces­sing your request. We must have this data in order to pro­cess and answer your inquiry; other­wise we will not be able to answer it in full or at all.

The legal basis for this data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

Your data will be dele­ted once we have fully ans­we­red your inquiry and there is no fur­ther legal obli­ga­tion to store your data, such as if an order or con­tract resul­ted therefrom.

Google Ana­ly­tics

We use Google Ana­ly­tics on our web­site. This is a web ana­ly­tics ser­vice pro­vi­ded by Google Inc., 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043 (her­ein­af­ter: Google).

Through cer­ti­fi­ca­tion accor­ding to the EU-US Pri­vacy Shield

Google gua­ran­tees that it will follow the EU’s data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons when pro­ces­sing data in the United States.

The Google Ana­ly­tics ser­vice is used to ana­lyze how our web­site is used. The legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legi­ti­mate inte­rest lies in the ana­ly­sis, opti­miza­tion, and eco­no­mic ope­ra­tion of our site.

Usage and user-rela­ted infor­ma­tion, such as IP address, place, time, or fre­quency of your visits to our web­site will be trans­mit­ted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Howe­ver, we use Google Ana­ly­tics with the so-called anony­miza­tion func­tion, wher­eby Google trun­ca­tes the IP address within the EU or the EEA before it is trans­mit­ted to the US.

The data coll­ec­ted in this way is in turn used by Google to pro­vide us with an eva­lua­tion of visits to our web­site and what visi­tors do once there. This data can also be used to pro­vide other ser­vices rela­ted to the use of our web­site and of the inter­net in general.

Google states that it will not con­nect your IP address to other data. In addi­tion, Google pro­vi­des fur­ther infor­ma­tion with regard to its data pro­tec­tion prac­ti­ces at,

inclu­ding opti­ons you can exer­cise to pre­vent such use of your data.

In addi­tion, Google offers an opt-out add-on at

in addi­tion with fur­ther infor­ma­tion. This add-on can be instal­led on the most popu­lar brow­sers and offers you fur­ther con­trol over the data that Google coll­ects when you visit our web­site. The add-on informs Google Ana­ly­tics’ Java­Script (ga.js) that no infor­ma­tion about the web­site visit should be trans­mit­ted to Google Ana­ly­tics. Howe­ver, this does not pre­vent infor­ma­tion from being trans­mit­ted to us or to other web ana­ly­tics ser­vices we may use as detailed herein.

MailChimp — Newsletter

We offer you the oppor­tu­nity to regis­ter for our free news­let­ter via our website.

We use MailChimp, a ser­vice of The Rocket Sci­ence Group, LLC, 512 Means Street, Suite 404, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA, her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “The Rocket Sci­ence Group”.

Through cer­ti­fi­ca­tion accor­ding to the EU-US Pri­vacy Shield

the Rocket Sci­ence Group gua­ran­tees that it will follow the EU’s data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons when pro­ces­sing data in the United States. In addi­tion, the Rocket Sci­ence Group offers fur­ther infor­ma­tion about its data pro­tec­tion prac­ti­ces at

If you regis­ter for our free news­let­ter, the data reques­ted from you for this pur­pose, i.e. your email address and, optio­nally, your name and address, will be pro­ces­sed by The Rocket Sci­ence Group. In addi­tion, your IP address and the date and time of your regis­tra­tion will be saved. During the regis­tra­tion pro­cess, your con­sent to receive this news­let­ter will be obtai­ned tog­e­ther with a con­crete descrip­tion of the type of con­tent it will offer and refe­rence made to this pri­vacy policy.

The news­let­ter then sent out by The Rocket Sci­ence Group will also con­tain a track­ing pixel called a web beacon. This pixel helps us eva­luate whe­ther and when you have read our news­let­ter and whe­ther you have cli­cked any links con­tai­ned the­r­ein. In addi­tion to fur­ther tech­ni­cal data, such as data about your com­pu­ter hard­ware and your IP address, the data pro­ces­sed will be stored so that we can opti­mize our news­let­ter and respond to the wishes of our rea­ders. The data will the­r­e­fore increase the qua­lity and attrac­ti­ve­ness of our newsletter.

The legal basis for sen­ding the news­let­ter and the ana­ly­sis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

You may revoke your prior con­sent to receive this news­let­ter under Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR with future effect. All you have to do is inform us that you are revo­king your con­sent or click on the unsub­scribe link con­tai­ned in each newsletter.

Model Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment for Anwalts­kanz­lei Weiß & Partner