Track­ing the Cost for your Ship


Tracking the cost for your ship

There are many regu­lar and irre­gu­lar expen­ses asso­cia­ted with ope­ra­ting a ship. It is easy to lose track of how much the annual costs actually are. This is where the Add-on Budget, new in Logbook Suite 2.2, can help you.

With Budget you keep track of all expen­ses around your ship. Enter your expen­ses in Budget and assign them to freely sel­ec­ta­ble cate­go­ries such as berth, maintenance, repairs, spare parts, fuel, insu­rance, new equip­ment and fit­tings, etc..
For each expense you can enter the date, descrip­tion, amount and cate­gory, as well as the sup­plier, loca­tion and pay­ment method. There is also a field for addi­tio­nal details, as well as a field where you can insert a photo or a PDF of the receipt.

Budget sup­ports the use of mul­ti­ple cur­ren­cies. The exch­ange rates to the cur­rency you set as default can be either retrie­ved from the ECB or set manu­ally. When you enter an expense in a for­eign cur­rency, the amount is auto­ma­ti­cally con­ver­ted to your default cur­rency using the cur­rent exch­ange rate. If the exch­ange rate chan­ges, you can choose whe­ther old amounts should be recal­cu­la­ted or not.

Port and fuel costs can be trans­fer­red directly from Logbook to Budget. You can also import expen­ses from BoardCash into Budget — either only indi­vi­dual expen­ses or all expen­ses recor­ded in a BoardCash file.

In the list view, costs can be eva­lua­ted by cate­gory and other cri­te­ria such as sup­plier or loca­tion, and listed with or wit­hout sub­to­tals by year.
Bud­ge­t’s search func­tion helps you to quickly find spe­ci­fic expenses.

In the sum­mary, all expen­ses are tota­led by cate­gory. You can either dis­play the total sum of all expen­ses (i.e. the entire period) or you can dis­play the totals of the cate­go­ries for up to 3 years in com­pa­ri­son.
On the right side you will always see the sum of the cur­rent year, the other two years are freely sel­ec­ta­ble. Below the list, the total sum of all expen­ses is shown.

The Add-on Budget can be used in Logbook Suite on Mac, with Win­dows and on the iPad and in Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools on iPhone.

In the demo mode of Budget you can create up to 9 ent­ries for your expen­ses. Ente­ring a serial number con­verts your trial ver­sion of Budget into an unli­mi­ted full ver­sion that can be used on all device types — both in Logbook Suite and in the app Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools.

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