Your Digi­tal Cash Box


Your digital cash box in Logbook Suite

Mana­ging the board cash box is usually not among the most popu­lar tasks on board. Howe­ver, one should keep track of the expen­ses and the cash posi­tion. And with BoardCash this is a cinch.

In BoardCash you can enter all depo­sits of the crew mem­bers and all expen­ses from the cash box. Also spe­cial cases, such as when a crew member makes a purchase, wit­hout paying from cash box, are hand­led auto­ma­ti­cally. It is also very easy to enter purcha­ses where the total sum also includes pri­vate purcha­ses of indi­vi­dual crew members.

BoardCash also sup­ports the boo­king of expen­ses in which not all per­sons are invol­ved, as well as a sim­pli­fied entry for equal depo­sits of seve­ral per­sons. Of course BoardCash can also take into account dif­fe­rent shares of the crew mem­bers in the board cash (e.g. for cou­ples and sin­gles in the crew).

A par­ti­cu­larly useful fea­ture is the hand­ling of mul­ti­ple cur­ren­cies. For this the cur­rent exch­ange rates of the ECB can be loaded into BoardCash. No matter whe­ther the trip leads through 2 or 10 cur­rency zones, BoardCash always cal­cu­la­tes the cor­rect cash posi­tion and the account balan­ces of the crew mem­bers in rela­tion to a fixed stan­dard currency.

At the end of the trip, or when­ever you want to draw up a balance sheet, you will receive the final eva­lua­tion “Who pays what to whom” for the cash balance with a tip. You can also print out or save the lists of expen­ses and pay­ments inclu­ding any receipts as well as the eva­lua­tion inclu­ding the cash balance as a PDF.

And since BoardCash is an Add-on from the Logbook Suite it can import some data directly from Logbook: the crew list, port char­ges, fuel costs after refue­ling or the pro rata costs of fuel for a trip in your Logbook.

The Add-on BoardCash can be used in Logbook Suite on Mac, with Win­dows and on the iPad and in Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools on iPhone. On the iPhone, BoardCash comes with an opti­mi­zed user interface.

BoardCash as a stand-alone app for iPhone and iPad

New version 3.7 now available with Spanish as an additional language

With the iOS app BoardCash (min. iOS 15.0), which is available in the Apple App Store in addi­tion to Logbook Suite, you can also use the BoardCash add-on on the iPhone

Your BoardCash files can be copied bet­ween both apps using a cloud ser­vice or iTunes as well as via our SYNC ser­vice. For SYNC we also offer spe­cial sub­scrip­ti­ons only for BoardCash files.

The func­tions for import­ing data from the digi­tal logbook Logbook (crew list, port char­ges, fuel costs) are not shown in the app BoardCash. But as soon as your BoardCash file is opened in the app in Logbook Suite, all func­tions are available as usual.

BoardCash is of course sui­ta­ble not only for the cash box on sai­ling crui­ses, but also for all other cases in which a group of per­sons are jointly funded—such as group travel, com­mune and much more.

The user-inter­face of the app BoardCash can be set up to German, Eng­lish, Dutch, Spa­nish and Swe­dish just like Logbook Suite.

The start window of the app BoardCash offers handy func­tions for ope­ning, loa­ding, saving, and dele­ting BoardCash files. From ver­sion 3.3. The start window offers also an update func­tion, so that your BoardCash file has always the newest version. 

Licen­ses for the Add-on BoardCash of Logbook Suite are also valid for the app BoardCash. T

The start window offers handy func­tions to open, load, save, delete and update the BoardCash files.
Ente­ring a new expense paid by a crew member with a credit card

In the demo mode of BoardCash you can create up to 9 ent­ries (expen­ses and/or depo­sits). Ente­ring a serial number con­verts your trial ver­sion of BoardCash into an unli­mi­ted full ver­sion that can be used on all device types — both in Logbook Suite and in the app BoardCash.

App for iPhone and iPad

Down­load the stan­da­lone ver­sion for iPhone and iPad from the
Apple App Store

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