Logbook Suite
The Soft­ware Package for Sail­ors and Motor­boaters –
at Sea and on Inland Waterways

Logbook Suite

The Software Package for Sailors and Motorboaters

for Mac, Windows and iPad

Logbook Suite is a user-fri­endly soft­ware package from yacht­smen for yacht­smen (both sail­ors and motorboaters)—Made in Germany. Logbook Suite includes the digi­tal logbook Logbook (read more) and Add-ons (read more)—useful tools, which help to manage tasks around your ship and your tra­vels on yachts.

The soft­ware has been available since 2011 and is con­ti­nuously updated and fur­ther deve­lo­ped. All updates for an alre­ady purcha­sed module are free.

Yacht owners and sail­ors on char­ter yachts from about 50 dif­fe­rent flag states are using Logbook Suite on all oceans and on num­e­rous inland water­ways. Also Skip­pers of char­ter yachts are happy about the digi­tal recor­ding of their trips. Some modu­les of Logbook Suite (such as Inventory and Maintenance) are more desi­gned for yacht owners, but many of the modu­les are also very useful for char­ter trips (e.g. Crew and BoardCash).

In the Logbook Suite Mana­ger, which is dis­played directly when start­ing Logbook Suite, you have access to all modu­les of Logbook Suite

The main module of Logbook Suite is LogbookWith Logbook we pro­vide the only digi­tal logbook for sail­ors and motor boaters for the Mac. And also no simi­lar logbook is curr­ently available for the iPad either. But Logbook Suite is very popu­lar with Win­dows users too.

An out­stan­ding fea­ture of Logbook is the user inter­face of the logbook, which is very dif­fe­rent from other digi­tal log­books. It is ori­en­ta­ted by the tra­di­tio­nal, hand-writ­ten logbook. Prac­ti­cally struc­tu­red page lay­outs ins­tead of com­pu­ter-tech­ni­cal input masks, such as those found in the digi­tal log­books available for Win­dows, make it really easy to keep the logbook and enter all rele­vant data.  

Logbook Suite works com­ple­tely wit­hout inter­net access during the cruise. Logbook is sui­ta­ble for crui­ses at sea as well as on inland waterways.

If you use Logbook on an iPad Cel­lu­lar the cur­rent posi­tion can be read from the iPad’s GPS and used for your logbook ent­ries. And if you con­nect a NMEA onboard net­work or a GPS recei­ver to your iPad or PC, Logbook can read the nau­ti­cal data and enter it auto­ma­ti­cally into the logbook.

The soft­ware package Logbook Suite is available for Mac, Win­dows and iPad. The ver­si­ons for Mac and Win­dows (Mac with MacOS 10.13, 64 bit, or newer; Win­dows with Win­dows 8, 64 bit, or newer) can directly be down­loa­ded from our web­site. Logbook Suite for iPad is available in the Apple App Store. Please click the links on the right side of this page (on smart­phones at the bottom of this page) to down­load the ver­si­ons for free.

You can use Logbook Suite either only on the PC or only on the iPad, but also alter­na­tely on the PC and iPad. The data exch­ange bet­ween the PC and the iPad runs via the SYNC ser­vice pro­vi­ded by 2K Yacht­ing or via iTunes or cloud ser­vices of your choice.

The user inter­face is the same on all platforms.

The user inter­face of Logbook Suite is available in German, Eng­lish, French (all modu­les except Crew and Scheduler), Dutch, Swe­dish and Spa­nish (new in ver­sion 2.5, under deve­lo­p­ment). All manu­als are available in German and English.

Con­vince yours­elf of Logbook Suite with our free trial ver­sion.
The trial ver­sion offers all fea­tures of the full ver­sion, but Logbook is limi­ted to 5 travel days and 2 trips and the Add-ons to 5 ent­ries or one voyage.
For our SYNC ser­vice, we will also be happy to pro­vide you with a code for a free 3‑day test sub­scrip­tion. Just send us an email to .

The but­tons in the right column of this page (on smart­phones at the bottom of this page) lead to the down­load form for Logbook Suite for your ope­ra­ting system or to the free down­load of the iPad ver­sion from the Apple App Store. On our down­load page (more here) you can also down­load detailed manuals.

If we could con­vince you of Logbook Suite, you can purchase the appro­priate licen­ses in our online shop and con­vert your trial ver­sion for PC or iPad directly into a full ver­sion and unlock it for unli­mi­ted use.

As a sup­ple­ment to Logbook Suite, there is the iPhone app Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools. With it, 4 of our add-ons from Logbook Suite can now also be used on the iPhone. All Add-ons from Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools use spe­cial lay­outs on the iPhone, which have been opti­mi­zed for the smal­ler screen of the iPhone. This makes it easy to make ent­ries and retrieve infor­ma­tion on the iPhone.
In addi­tion to the Add-ons, Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools also includes Logbook Lite, our digi­tal logbook for the iPhone, aimed at all sail­ors and power­boaters who tend to make small trips and crui­ses rather than go on big voyages.

With our syn­chro­niza­tion ser­vice SYNC you can syn­chro­nize the data of the Add-ons in Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools with the Add-ons in Logbook Suite.

With the iPhone app Logbook Suite Pho­ne­Tools 4 of the Add-ons can also be used on iPhone

Synchronization with SYNC

With the syn­chro­niza­tion ser­vice SYNC the manage­ment of your ship and your tra­vels with Logbook Suite beco­mes even more com­for­ta­ble. Because with SYNC you can syn­chro­nize the data of all modu­les of Logbook Suite bet­ween your devices through the Inter­net. This saves copy­ing the quite large com­plete data files and allows you a fast syn­chro­niza­tion of the data recor­ded on the dif­fe­rent devices.

With SYNC, all chan­ges to the modu­les are recor­ded during data entry. These chan­ges will be uploa­ded to the SYNC server when you close the module or when­ever you wish, to be trans­fer­red from there to your other devices and inser­ted into the modu­les. The func­tion SYNC new file also allows you to trans­fer all exis­ting data of a module.

For the syn­chro­niza­tion with our syn­chro­niza­tion ser­vice SYNC your data will be encrypted with 128 Bit AES (Advan­ced Encryp­tion Stan­dard) on your device. The per­so­nal key used for this is defi­ned by you and is only stored on your devices, not on the SYNC server. Only after the encryp­tion pro­cess is com­ple­ted the data will be uploa­ded to your per­so­nal account area on our SYNC server. Our SYNC server is loca­ted in Germany.

When loa­ding the chan­ges from the SYNC server to your device, the pro­ce­dure is exactly the oppo­site. The encrypted data will be loaded from the SYNC server and decrypted on your device using the per­so­nal key you spe­cify. Only your instal­la­tion of Logbook Suite can decrypt the encrypted data again.

Of course, the syn­chro­niza­tion via our SYNC server requi­res an inter­net con­nec­tion. But it is also no pro­blem if there is no inter­net con­nec­tion while you are ente­ring data into the modu­les of Logbook Suite. The infor­ma­tion about the chan­ged data is cached on your device until it can be uploa­ded to the SYNC server.

To use the  syn­chro­niza­tion ser­vice SYNC, we offer dif­fe­rent sub­scrip­tion models bet­ween 30 and 365 days in our online shop. Up to 4 devices can be syn­chro­ni­zed. We will also be happy to pro­vide you with a code for a free 3‑day trial sub­scrip­tion. Just send us an e‑mail to .

A spe­cial SYNC sub­scrip­tion only for use with the module BoardCash and the iPhone/iPad app BoardCash is also available. 

You can read more on our SYNC ser­vice in User Manual Logbook Suite Basics.

Customer Voices

What our customers say about our software and our support:

“Your pro­grams all look very good and I thought that the Maintenance pro­gram would be some­thing that I could use to orga­nize my plan­ned maintenance tasks prior to laun­ching in the spring…”
         J. C., Canada

“Many thanks for all your help. I do enjoy using Logbook and will look for­ward to ver­sion 3.6.”
         J. D., New Zealand

“Logbook is a great tool!”
         H. D., Norway

“I have down­loa­ded the test ver­sion of your Logbook appli­ca­tion for Mac and I must say: it looks great!”
         H. v. D., Netherlands

»Erst­mal vielen Dank für den (ja bereits über­all gelob­ten 🙂 ) raschen und kom­pe­ten­ten Support!
Der erleich­tert eine all­fäl­lige Kauf­ent­schei­dung erheblich. ;)«
         H. R., Schweiz

»Ich denke, dass ein Online-Logbook wie das Eure weit mehr ist als eine Papier­va­ri­ante. Ich habe mir sehr viele ange­se­hen – Ihr seid ganz sicher ganz vorne dabei!«
         R. G., Österreich

»Großes Kom­pli­ment, tolle Soft­ware, end­lich mal ein Logbuch auf dem iPad! Freue mich schon auf den ersten Törn und die erste rich­tige Umsetzung.«
         S. K., Schweiz

»Ich hatte Sie auf der Boots­messe in Düs­sel­dorf besucht und zwi­schen­zeit­lich die Demo­ver­sion her­un­ter­ge­la­den. Eine tolle Sache!«
         H.-P. B., Deutschland

»Ich habe Logbook 3.5 erfolg­reich auf meinem iPad instal­liert und letzte Woche bei meinem Segel­törn getes­tet. Meine Erfah­run­gen sind wirk­lich super, das Pro­gramm ist ein­fach, sicher und schnell zu bedie­nen, es hat meine Erwar­tun­gen voll erfüllt!!«
         A. F., Österreich

»Vielen Dank für den “best sup­port ever”!! Top!! :-)«
         J.B., Deutschland

»Soft­ware läuft… Sieht sehr gut aus und ist ein­fach bedienbar…«
         J. S., Deutschland

»Das Logbuch ist klasse und ich bin sehr zufrie­den damit.«
         J. B., Deutschland

»Weiter so mir Eurer tollen Software.«
         J. K., Deutschland

»Erst einmal danke für dieses tolle Soft­ware-Paket. So wie ich mich jetzt da reindenke in die Soft­ware mit diesen Add-ons etc. ist das genau das rich­tige für mich.
          T. W., Schweiz

In the Media

Reports in the German and inter­na­tio­nal trade press about us and our soft­ware can be found here on our com­pany web­site 2k-yachting.de.

Logbook Suite for PC

Load your free Demo Version for Mac or Windows

Logbook Suite for iPad

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

Logbook Suite PhoneTool
for iPhone

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

Logbook Lite
for iPhone

Load your free Demo Version from the Apple App Store

LogbookNMEA connect

Load our app for the NMEA connection of Logbook and Logbook Lite from the Apple App Store (free of charge)

User Manuals

Download our detailed manuals to Logbook Suite, Logbook, Logbook Lite and the Add-ons

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