All your Crui­ses in your Mari­time Biography


All your cruises in your maritime biography

With the Add-on Biography you can create your per­so­nal logbook by com­bi­ning all your ship jour­neys in a digi­tal book, no matter if you kept your logbook with Logbook or Logbook Lite or if you had writ­ten it clas­si­cally by hand.

And since Biography is not a ship’s logbook, but your per­so­nal mari­time biography, Biography is not limi­ted to tra­vels with a par­ti­cu­lar ship.

From the log­books that you kept with Logbook or Logbook Lite the travel and ship data can be impor­ted directly into Biography. For adding your travel and ship data from log­books, which only exist in paper form, dia­logs lead you through the steps to enter all rele­vant infor­ma­tion. This is also easy and not very time-consuming.

A logbook and the trips of this logbook in Biography 

For each travel you will find in Biography an over­view of the most important data and Biography cal­cu­la­tes, exactly as you are used to from Logbook, total values and aver­a­ges, which are then dis­played in a sum­mary. You can coll­ect in Biography all the infor­ma­tion requi­red for the RYA cruise logs of com­ple­ted trips

A very useful fea­ture of Biography is the search func­tion, with which you can search for places, person names, etc. For exam­ple, Biography will show you every day when you were at a cer­tain place or every day when a cer­tain person was on board with you. In addi­tion to dis­play­ing the indi­vi­dual log­books with their trips, Biography also offers a con­ti­nuous list of trips sorted by start date as well as a list view of the ships.

In addi­tion to the voyage data, Biography can also coll­ect docu­ments rela­ted to the logbook. These can be, for exam­ple, photos or scans of the pages of a hand­writ­ten logbook, a PDF of your logbook crea­ted with Logbook or Logbook Lite, nau­ti­cal mileage logs or a photo of the over­all track.

Of course, it is also pos­si­ble to print your mari­time biography or to save it in a PDF.

Over­view on all the log­books in Biography and sum­ma­ri­zing evaluation 

In the demo mode of Biography you can create 2 log­books and 2 ships. Ente­ring a serial number con­verts your trial ver­sion of Biography into an unli­mi­ted full ver­sion that can be used on all types of devices.

Logbook Suite for PC

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Logbook Lite
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