A visual ency­clo­pe­dia of naval ensigns


A visual encyclopedia of naval ensigns

All infor­ma­tion that you find in our popu­lar iPad app WorldEnsigns you can also find directly in Logbook Suite using the Add-on WorldEnsigns.

Thanks to the num­e­rous search func­tions of WorldEnsigns you can easily find flags of ships and their respec­tive count­ries. WorldEnsigns includes inter­ac­tive screens for 242 count­ries or regi­ons and includes a total of 1005 flags with high-reso­lu­tion details and textures.

In our Add-on WorldEnsigns you will find ensigns for all count­ries and regi­ons that the ITU (Inter­na­tio­nal Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tion Union) has assi­gned a MMSI (Mari­time Mobile Ser­vice Iden­tity) to. No matter whe­ther you encoun­ter a ship which ensign you don’t know or whe­ther you see the MMSI or the call sign of a ship with the AIS func­tion of a ship’s chart plot­ter. The Add-on WorldEnsigns can quickly show the ship’s coun­try of origin. In addi­tion to the dif­fe­rent flags used in this coun­try you will get infor­ma­tion about the geo­gra­phic loca­tion of the coun­try, it’s time­zo­nes and the offi­cial languages.

WorldEnsigns has a help func­tion inte­gra­ted directly into the add-on, so there is no sepa­rate user manual to download. 

The Add-on WorldEnsigns offers the fol­lo­wing features:

Search func­tions:

  • search by name of the coun­try, MMSI or call sign
  • visual search using geo­me­tri­cal attri­bu­tes and colors

Infor­ma­tion for each ensign:

  • IOC code of the country
  • inter­na­tio­nal name of the country
  • capi­tal
  • visual loca­tion and coor­di­na­tes of the capi­tal (con­nec­ted to Google Maps)
  • timezone(s)
  • offi­cial languages
  • groups of MMSI
  • groups of call signs

Types of flags:

  • naval ensigns (inclu­ding vari­ants for yachts)
  • aut­ho­rity flags
  • navy flags
  • natio­nal flags
  • optio­nal regio­nal cour­tesy flags

WorldEnsigns has a help func­tion inte­gra­ted directly into the Add-on, so there is no sepa­rate user manual to download.

In the demo mode of WorldEnsigns all Euro­pean count­ries are unlo­cked. After ente­ring a serial number, WorldEnsigns dis­plays all infor­ma­tion for all count­ries of the world.

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