In case of emergency quickly find the right medication with the Add-on First-Aid Kit and keep track of which medications soon will no longer be preserved.
The Add-on First-Aid Kit gives an overview of all medicine and medical aids that you have in your first aid box. For every drug you can enter information on the indication and medication. With help of the search function of you will quickly find the appropriate medication.
First-Aid Kit shows for each medicine and medical aid where it is stored on your ship, how many units are still available in your medicine box and the expiry dates. Colored markers higlight medications that are no longer available in sufficient quantities, or need to be replaced with new ones soon. The expiration dates can be transferred directly as dates into the visual calendar of the Add-on Scheduler.
In the usage list you record which medicines and medical aids were used when, for whom and in what quantity. First-Aid Kit automatically adjusts the current stock. The usage list is particularly helpful if you also have medication on board that is subject to compulsory documentation.
The Add-on First-Aid Kit can be used in Logbook Suite on Mac, with Windows and on the iPad and in Logbook Suite PhoneTools on iPhone.
In the demo mode of First-Aid Kit you can create nine entries for medicines and medical aids. Entering a serial number converts your trial version of First-Aid Kit into a full version with unlimited use.
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